Israel 2.0 WAIVER
ISRAEL 2.0 shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage which you may sustain to your person or property, or for any loss or damage by reason of any delay, modification, curtailment or arrangement pertaining to the services or facilities to be provided by ISRAEL 2.0 in connection with your participation on the Tour.
You understand and agree that 45 days before the trip departure date is the dead line for deposit refund, if you cancel after this date your deposit will not be refund it. It is imperative that in order that we refund your deposit, you send us a written stament via email regarding your cancellation BEFORE the dead line for refunding deposits which is 45 days before the departure date.
You understand and agree that beyond your deposit amount, any amount that you paid towards your trip balance, could be lost partially or completely if you decide to cancel your trip 2 weeks before the trip. Israel 2.0 reserves the right to make this decision
You have consulted a physician of your own choice and have been advised by said physician that you are in good health, do not suffer from any physical or mental ailment or disability which requires any medical or surgical care or treatment, or which would make your travel and/or participation on the Tour hazardous, unwise, unwarranted or a potential source of danger to you or to others who may travel with or participate on the Tour.
You acknowledge that Tour activities, including, but not limited to, hiking, rafting, snorkeling, swimming, camping, bus, jeep and air travel, may be subject to certain hazards; and further that you are voluntarily participating in the Tour and these activities, and understand the dangers and risks involved. You are aware that in the past there have been terrorist attacks, which must be regarded as an additional risk of travel in Israel. You hereby agree to accept any and all risks associated with participating in the Tour.
You understand and agree that your air ticket was paid for by Israel 2.0 and as such, we reserve the right to cancel or change your ticket if any of the waiver stipulations are not fulfilled.
You are expected to participate in all activities and remain with the group at all times, with the exception of scheduled free time.
If special circumstances require you need to miss a program activity or class, you are required to communicate and receive permission from the program director prior to your absence. (It is not sufficient to receive permission from a counselor/madrich or program coordinator.)
In the case that you leave the program voluntarily (for reasons aside from medical or family emergency), you will be responsible for your own accommodations and your return air ticket will be canceled. You will be required to arrange and pay for your own airfare home.
You will share the responsibilities of keeping accommodations, classrooms, dining room, and other facilities clean during the course of the program. You are responsible for returning your room in the same condition you received it and are financially responsible for any damage you have caused during the course of the program.
You may be removed from the Tour for, among other reasons, (a) providing incorrect or false information regarding any portion of yourapplication; (b) repeated failure to participate in any portion of the Tour; (c) use or possession of illegal drugs; (d) illegal use or possession of alcohol; (e) acts of violence or vandalism; (f) failure to disclose, or disclosure of inaccurate, medical information; or (g) failure to comply with any rules or regulations imposed by ISRAEL 2.0 or their employees, servants and agents.
You acknowledge that if you are removed from the Tour you will be responsible for all expenses you incur from the date of removal, including accommodations, and airfare for the return to your home city. ISRAEL 2.0 reserves the right to determine the date and time of your return flight.
In case of medical or surgical emergency, you hereby give permission to the physician selected by ISRAEL 2.0 to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for you.
You acknowledge that the ISRAEL 2.0 is not responsible for securing your personal property during the program or in transit, and is not liable for any loss incurred by theft.
You hereby acknowledge that by voluntarily providing ISRAEL 2.0 with any personal information in connection with your participation on the Tour, you consent to the distribution of such personal information to the Government of Israel and to any organizations deemed appropriate by ISRAEL 2.0
You agree to be in contact with 2 of the sponsors of this trip in order to show your appreciation for the scholarship that you will received from Israel 2.0 We will put you in touch with your 2 sponsors and we expect you to call them before you go to Israel and to write them a thank you letter follow by a phone call from you upon return from the trip
You agree that by submitting the form below, you thereby acknowledge that you have read and understand this waiver and permission agreement and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.